Share your thoughts on how our small town can fulfill its potential. Name Email Which of the following best describes you? Current Resident of Salem Former Resident Visitor/Tourist <strong>How often do you go to a restaurant in Salem?</strong> Once a week or more One or two times a month Less than once a month Comments on Restaurants <strong>Which of the following businesses do you think would do well in Salem? (Choose all that apply)</strong> A new restaurant (local) A new restaurant (chain) Shopping (Locally owned) Shopping (Chain, e.g. Kohl's, Target, etc) Grocery Store Drive Through Coffee Shop A Brewery A Winery A Distillery Tourist Activities (please describe) A new Hotel or basic lodging Public Golfing New nature or hiking trails New family lodging (think Gatlinburg cabins) Other (Please Describe) Please add any more information or description for potentially successful businesses in Salem <strong><strong>Which of the following resources or infrastructure are needed for Salem to succeed?</strong></strong> More sidewalks and walkable destinations Public transportation Bike paths and trails Better internet access Better access to natural resources (Current River and/or National Forest) Better, higher paying jobs Better access to medical care Public Housing More affordable housing More middle-class rental housing More educational resources Other (please describe) Please add any additional information on infrastructure. Is there a city or town Salem should model itself after? Please list. Do you have any additional ideas for Salem or Dent County> <strong>Would you like to hear from us?</strong> Email me with results of the survey Send me updates from Please find the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions at <strong><strong>I have read the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions</strong></strong> Yes, I have understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions and privacy policy By submitting your information, you’re giving us permission to email you. You may unsubscribe at any time. Send Feedback Can our Rural Churches be saved? How Did We Get Here? The Salem, MO Electric Meter Debacle Saving Salem Share this:TweetRedditMoreShare on TumblrPrintLike this:Like Loading...