October 27th

Rejection at it’s finest,

is the proclamation of the day. 

Can’t pass this test, 

No “certified, Grade A.”

Instead, it’s placed into a pile,

and politely passed around the loop, 

for all the others to examine,

and judge how low it stooped. 

The many imperfections noted,

cut deeper than words should be allowed. 

Three years in the making,

should’ve been of something to be proud. 

But instead, that worthy product,

is stripped down part by part. 

Undoing all the work that was done,

Destroying a work of art. 

“But flaws are flaws, 

And by their nature,

ruin the product

of your labor.”  

So the parts will go to be used again,

in the next so chosen project. 

And of the memories and lessons learned,

Not one will I forget. 


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