My Tears and Your Misfortune

My Tears and Your Misfortune

Tonight I write to relieve a heavy heart. To put into words what I’m trying to understand and not just feel. Just feeling can overload a person and make them hurt. In more ways than just one.

For a child that is considerably relatable to The Monster in Mary Shelley’s, Frankenstein. Brought into life by his creator and by his creator is not shown how to love or how to be loved. Experiences abandonment and can only then start being defined as a monster.
A child today can and will become this monster. One that is created from self destruction after being abandoned by one of his own creators. Reruns of negligence then shapes the question, “What am I doing so wrong? Why am I so wrong?” instead of, “What is wrong with my creator(s)? Why are they so wrong?”. 

For a significant other whose supposed-to-be better half is not the better half. Spending life with someone that is….just there. Living life with someone that makes life feel deceased. Being dealt a hand of objections that becomes too heavy to hold and dominate alone. Even heavier with what was thought to be alleviation, but becomes a debt. This marriage has no connection or ties to happiness. Having to apologize for trusting the vows once promised between what was once two better halves becoming one. 

For any person ungrateful for the life we live. Bad days and good days is another day lived. Mistakes made is equal to lessons learned. Grasp what is seen while it can still be seen. One life left doesn’t always mean it’s GAME OVER. 


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