Fast Facts on Mary

I had a much better, more detailed post typed out. I was almost done.

Then I got the infamous blue screen of death.

Blue Screen of Death

I’m too tired to rewrite it right now. Instead, here is a quick list of facts about Mary’s current condition.

Updates on Mary – 11/19/20

  • Endotracheal Tube is removed (no longer on ventilator)
  • Feeding tube is removed.
  • Central IV line and arterial line is gone.
  • No longer on sedation.
  • She is sitting up in a chair
  • She is working with physical and occupational therapy during the day
  • She is eating a regular diet.
  • She knows her name.
  • She does not remember the accident.
  • She conversed with us via zoom, but was not very talkative. She was tired.
  • I get to go see her tomorrow for my one and only visit.
  • She has orthopedic surgery scheduled for this weekend.
  • She may be transferred to a brain injury rehabilitation center next week.
Unbelievable they survived.
John will love it. Amelia will be chill.

Most of my post that got deleted was about me and how much of a struggle this week has been for me. We will see how I feel after the visit tomorrow and getting to see my kids again this weekend.

Thanks for visiting and the continued interest and support.


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