Home is Where the Heart Is

Home is Where the Heart Is
Farm Life

I love my job at Lake Regional. As Clinical Coordinator I have the best of several different worlds. I’ve had the privilege of providing my expertise to critically ill patients in ICU during a historic pandemic. I’m able to be a leader and a trusted resource in the pharmacy and throughout the hospital, without having to take on the full responsibility of being manager. Most of all, it has been a place that has made me feel valued and respected. My contributions mattered and made a positive impact on the organization as a whole. 

As someone who puts a heavy weight on professional achievement when it comes to my personal happiness and self-esteem, my job at the Lake has helped me in this regard. However, the call of family has overshadowed this benefit. Living away from John and Amelia and Mary was simply too much. No matter how good the job was, I just could no longer sacrifice my precious family time. I put in my resignation for July 16th, 2021, two weeks more than my required 4 week notice.

Even though I am eager to move back home, when I took the job at the Lake it was meant to be a longer term commitment. I have become deeply engrained in the organization and a prolonged exit period seemed like the most respectful thing for me to do. I need to be able to leave them in a good place in order for me to move on with peace of mind.

On July 19th, I’ll be taking over for Kendra Mobray at the Dent County Health Center as administrator. This will be a bit of a change for me, but to be frank, I am ready for a challenge. Even in my short time at the Lake, I was already starting to feel like I was running out of things to learn. This will be the first truly non-pharmacist position I have held as a professional, but something like this was what I had in mind while I was completing my MBA. I should be well prepared for this role and I am excited to discover new ways to help improve the health of Dent County. After all, this is where John and Amelia will grow up. I have a responsibility, as we all do, to improve our community for our children.

After living at the Lake for so long, I know at least one thing I’m going to put on my agenda:


I’d love to hear your feedback on the services provided at the Health Center and your thoughts on how we could improve. Post in the comments! Be sure to share with your friends and family.

