The General Assembly Puts Medicaid Funding at Risk in Political Stunt at the Expense of Missouri Women.
Missouri Republicans have proven themselves once again, and not in a good way. In another political stunt with the very real potential to cause harm to patients, the General Assembly has failed to renew an important source of funding for Missouri Medicaid unless coverage for certain medications, which they call “abortifacients,” is removed.
After passing more and more restrictions on abortion over the past few legislative sessions, Republicans have finally run out of ways to prove how “pro-life” they are. They have resorted to attacking unrelated, everyday medications, either out of complete ignorance or an intentional disregard for women’s health and bodily autonomy.
Let’s be clear about this, these are NOT abortion pills.
The Republican proposal would block Medicaid from paying for levonorgestrel, ulipristal acetate, and IUDs. It also mentions the inaptly nick-named “abortion pills;” misoprostol and mifepristone. Let’s be clear about this, these are NOT abortion pills.
What are these medications?
Levonorgestrel and ulipristal are used as emergency contraceptives. They are designed to be taken after unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy, not terminate one. Their methods of action inhibit or delay ovulation. They do not kill an already implanted embryo. They cannot cause an abortion of a pregnancy.
It can take days after sex for an egg and a sperm to meet inside the fallopian tubes. It’s not an instantaneous trip for the sperm to make it through the female reproductive tract. Then, they must be present during the small window of ovulation, when eggs are released from the ovaries. These medications can prevent fertilization from occurring by inhibiting ovulation, making the eggs stay inside the ovaries instead of being released into the fallopian tubes where they can be fertilized.
They do not kill an already implanted embryo. They cannot cause an abortion of a pregnancy
IUDs have different mechanisms of action depending upon which ones we’re talking about. NONE of them are used to terminate an in-progress pregnancy.

Finally, the “abortion pills.” Mifepristone and misoprostol are prostaglandins, which stimulate uterine contractions and serve other functions in the body. They are most often used after a miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) to help clear the uterus of the lost pregnancy. They can be used in abortions as well, for the same reason, but it is clearly problematic to place a blanket ban on this. Would you want to tell a grieving mother-to-be that she can’t have her post-miscarriage medication because someone in Jefferson City didn’t think it was a good idea?
Concerned about Medicaid Spending? Don’t Cut Birth Control

Missouri Medicaid pays for about 38% of all births in Missouri. It is expensive to have a baby. In fact, it is much more expensive than a monthly hormonal contraceptive or IUD. In addition, 45% of Missouri children are covered by Medicaid. By not paying for these preventative measures, Republicans are opting to pay higher hospital costs and to add more children to the Medicaid rolls. It’s almost like Republicans want to keep impoverished women and child in poverty. Nor does it seem they truly care about fiscal responsibility.
Wrong, no matter which side of the aisle you’re on.
Republicans are on the absolute wrong track here, regardless of if you are “pro-life” or “pro-choice.” This is not an issue that has ANYTHING to do with abortion. This is meant to make it more difficult for women to control their reproductive status and to keep the impoverished in chains. With this decision, this General Assembly has decided to demonstrate the very evils of “socialism” they claim the Democrats want to implement. By dictating women’s reproductive destiny, Republicans are claiming far more control over a private party’s liberty than modern Democrats have ever even proposed.
“By dictating women’s reproductive destiny, Republicans are claiming far more control over a private party’s liberty than modern Democrats have ever even proposed.”
To Governor Parson’s credit, he has shown frustration and disagreement with the General Assembly on this matter, and has called a special session for them to work through this. However, he has not guaranteed that he would block any measure like this brought by the General Assembly. With a line-item veto, he likely has the power to do so, if he would chose to.

If you are as appalled by this overreach as I am, share this post with your friends and family. Call your state representatives. Don’t let this one go.